Nicole will be developing ‘Hikari no Aidoru/Idols of Light’ for Different Play, an organization supporting diversity in analog games, from the people who make them to the play experiences we create.
Millions of girls dream of being in Japan’s biggest aidoru group, but for those chosen few, life is not just sold-out concerts, fabulous fashion, and adoring fans. ‘Hikari no Aidoru/Idols of Light’ is a game where players of aidoru learn the fame and glamor comes at a price: not only are they shaped by their fans’ image of them, but the worship and power they draw from their audiences also bring forth ancient, jealous gods, ready for battle. It’s a game about finding your power without losing yourself, and finding strength in one another while society tries to tear you apart and tradition tries to keep you down.
Support Different Play’s work at their Patreon here. Check out their other projects here.