7th Sea: Crescent Empire

In an ancient land of sand and sun
Those who burn brightest cast the longest shadows.

When the rightful empress returned home to reclaim her throne, the empire rejoiced. As the empire awakens to a new dawn, Anatoli merchants to Sarmion nobles work towards a new life, holding close the ideals which make the empire strong—family, honor and kindness.

However, progress is not made without pebbles in the sand. The dethroned sultan plots to recover his throne and his lover, controlled by an otherworldly force, seeks to aid him. Jinn have awoken hungering for the power over mortals they had many years ago…

This book contains material for 7th Sea: Second Edition including new mechanics for Poetry Duels, Backgrounds, Advantages, Stories and Sorceries. It also includes five new Nations. Nicole developed one of the Crescent Empire’s magic systems.

Buy 7th Sea: Crescent Empire at John Wick Presents.